Benefits of the proper application
One aspect of vermicomposting that is sometimes debated is the optimal time to apply vermicompost. This is because the perfect time of delivery depends on what kind of garden or farm is receiving the vermicompost, and what is growing there. Essentially, different types of plants respond in a variety of ways.
Some at-home vermicomposters swear by a once-a-month application, whereas others may space theirs out a little further over two months. There are further differences and considerations when running a commercial operation, where the variables are usually divergent from those of home and garden.
There are so many reasons to use vermicompost from the generation of more productive fields and orchards, to the fertilization of nurseries and cropping lands. The benefits of adding mature humus, plant nutrients, plant growth promoters, and microorganisms to soil include increased soil fertility, plant health, and much more.
Because of these numerous benefits, it makes sense to follow through on a proper application, one that guarantees your soil all the fertility that vermicompost has to offer.
Bulk application of vermicompost to soils turns the land into a humus-rich ground of fertility.
When is the optimal time to use vermicompost?
Different users will find that different times for vermicompost applications work best for them. The following is an outline for application within the Asia Pacific for orchards, cropping, and fields, although conditions will always vary from case to case.
The best time to use vermicompost is at the beginning of a new orchard - when the soil fertility will be at its worst - at a volume of up to 20 t/ha. Then, in the following years, vermicompost can be implemented throughout the year. Ideally at the end of winter and early spring when the soil's microbiological activity is at its lowest and vermi will therefore be boosting soil activity. New seedlings : 2-3 kg/ plant, Young trees : 4-8 kg/ tree, Fruiting trees : 8-15 kg/ tree, Mature & big trees : 15-25 kg/ tree, High density rootstock plants : 3-5 kg ( per application )
Cropping ( Vegetables etc )
The goal with cropping is often to improve the root development as well as maintain the humus level. The application is, therefore, best after soil tillage (if tilling is needed), and before planting. It is best to keep compost near or at the soil surface as this is where the new plants are growing, and thus the benefits of the humic acids contained in the vermicompost will be. It is important not to bury vermi by applying it before deep tillage.
There are many economic reasons to use vermicompost, and while commercial vermicomposting operations require a different set of rules to that of at-home operations, both can deliver outstanding results. Reach out to Sikri Farms to learn more about how vermicompost can make your soil the best it can be.